Monday 21 November 2016

Laura Motes - The Technological Future of Law Enforcement

As a former law enforcement officer who spent more than 20 years with the Athens-Clarke County Police Department, Laura Motes is interested in future changes and innovations that could make law enforcement even more effective.

Laura Motes
Tech Advances
When one starts to think about the subject, the first – and quite possibly the most important – point is technical innovation. As new technology becomes readily available, law enforcement organizations could take advantage of these advancements in a way that has never been seen before. The available technical resources could change the landscape of criminal prosecution. Similarly to the advances of motor vehicles, drones could represent a new layer of motorized patrols.

Crime Software
Police departments now actually have the knowledge and technical background to use predictive software. They know what are the areas where crime is the most likely to occur, and these predictive technologies could further improve in the near future. The NHTSA (National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration) already uses this kind of software, and other data-driven solutions could be adopted in the near future.
Lie Detection
Despite its long history, lie detection is still not a very good, and most certainly not a very quick, tool. With the advances that are being made in neuroimaging, lie detection could become much more effective in the future, though its use would obviously raise other issues.

Laura Motes had a successful career with the police between 1993 and 2014, during which she often relied on technology to be more effective. She hopes that future generation of officers will be able to do the same, while considerably reducing crime in the world.


Thursday 3 November 2016

Laura Motes - The Benefits of Relying on Native Plant Species

Laura Motes enjoys learning about the flora and fauna of Georgia. She is a huge animal lover, and she loves gardening to a great degree. She is also a big believer in going native when it comes to planting, and for good reasons. 

Laura Motes

You Can Save Water That Way
Not many people know, but planting native plants likely means that you can save water. The reason is very simple and logical: native plants are used to the local conditions. They thrived in that area for a reason, and that includes irrigation. Local species require very little extra help in terms of watering. 

Low Maintenance Costs
Once again, native species were able to thrive because they were able to evolve. It is very likely that they have natural defenses, or else they can rely on another species that helps them out in their battle against pests. 

If You Enjoy the Local Wildlife, It Is a No-Brainer
Local wildlife prefers local plants; it’s just the way nature works. If you love butterflies or other native insects, relying on local species is a must. There are many species of beneficial insects that help the local plants grow, and these insects usually lure in other animals that can be equally interesting. 

Support Nature
Plants and animals have less and less of their natural habitat to themselves. If you plant local species, you help them out just a little bit, providing them the valuable living-space they can thrive in.
Laura Motes is an avid gardener who always tries to plant native species in an effort to support the local ecology. 


Thursday 27 October 2016

Laura Motes - The Rules of Trail Running

Laura Motes enjoys doing nontraditional training, including trail running. The activity, which is also called off-road running, comes with different challenges, and requires different rules and etiquette as well. 

Laura Motes

Yield to Slower Runners
When it comes to trail running – or trail biking for that matter – the faster person should always yield to the slower one. This means slowing down a bit, and if the situation warrants it, even getting out of the way.

Stay on the Trail
Staying on the trail is extremely important for a variety of reasons. One of them is the obvious safety issue. If anything were to happen, people would start to look on and very near the trail. The other aspect has everything to do with habitat. If you leave the trail, you can easily destroy habitat, and if more people follow the example, after a while a new trail can emerge which can lead to additional confusion and safety issues. 

Don’t Leave Any Garbage
Littering is one of the most damaging activities people can do. Garbage not only damages the environment through a variety of negative processes, but it also reduces the quality of trail running for others. 

Be Aware of Your Surroundings
Knowing and understanding what goes on around you is the best possible way of enjoying trail running. That way, you can not only respect other runners and their activity, but you will be as safe as possible.

Laura Motes is an avid trail runner who enjoys the activity for a variety of reasons, including being able to explore new areas. 


Tuesday 18 October 2016

Laura Motes - Sport Can Prevent Cancer

As a physically active person who spent the vast majority of her professional career in law enforcement, Laura Motes knows that exercise is one of the most crucial tools one can rely on to become healthier. Various studies found a link between being active and reducing cancer risks. When we are talking about sport as a way to prevent certain diseases, the implication is always a reduced risk, rather than a complete, bulletproof immunity from these medical conditions.

                                              Laura Motes

Waistline and Breast Size
More than 20 studies have found that women who regularly exercise have a vastly reduced chance of developing cancer. These women had 30 to 40% less chances of developing breast cancer, when compared to women of similar age who lived a more sedentary lifestyle.

Colon Cancer
Each year, more than 150,000 people in the United States are diagnosed with colon cancer. Similarly to the occurrence of breast cancer, studies have found a link between increased activity levels and the potential prevention of colon cancer. In general, those who exercise a lot enjoy significantly reduced odds of developing any form of the disease.

Can It Be Too Much?
According to various guidelines, the goal should be to exercise every day, at least half an hour. If one really wants to get all the potential benefits, however, one hour is closer to the daily recommendation.

Laura Motes exercises regularly, and hopes that people of all ages will realize just how massive a difference it can make in our lives, both from a physical and mental standpoint.

Thursday 18 August 2016

Laura Motes - Healthy Living and Positive Rituals

Laura Motes has been working as a police officer for a long time and she knows about the power of positive rituals.
Great athletes, CEOs, and doctors all rely on positive rituals to structure their lives and achieve their goals. The same is true of people who ground their lives in certain values, such as healthy living.

It is easy to dismiss the idea of rituals because it may seem that they would make your life rigid and extreme.
At the same time, if you observe the areas of your life where you perform exceptionally well, you will notice that you already have a lot of rituals around it. These rituals may include a morning routine of getting ready, a planning session for the day or week ahead, or the time that you spend with your family.

Laura Motes
Rituals do not preclude spontaneity. On the contrary, they provide a level of security and comfort that allows us to try new things, take risks, and improvise. They provide a stable, predictable environment where breakthroughs and records can happen. Think of a great athlete establishing a new record or an executive making progress by coming up with a highly unusual structure for a deal that works for all the involved parties.

Rituals can also facilitate recovery and renewal. By their nature, rituals conserve energy. Will and discipline are resources that have very limited reserves. The unfortunate truth is that we have very little will power, and can control our behavior consciously for only short periods of time.

This is why rituals are so powerful. If you want to take your health to the next level, don’t hope that you will have enough will power. Create rituals that will help you accomplish your goals. As someone who worked as a police officer for twenty-one years, Laura Motes has created a number of rituals for herself, including spending time off on Broad River.

Friday 5 August 2016

Laura Motes - Healthy Living and Emotions

As a former police officer, Laura Motes knows how important it is to stay emotionally calm no matter what.

When thinking about healthy living, many people focus on physical exercise, eating properly, and sleeping enough hours, and completely forget to pay attention to their emotional well-being.

Laura Motes

Physical energy is what we need to be able to do any kind of work or activity. At the same time, to be able to perform well we need to have pleasant and positive emotions in addition to having physical energy.

Negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, anger, and sadness release stress hormones into our bodies. This is why they are associated with feeling toxic.

In addition to having a healthy body, healthy living is impossible without the capacity to skillfully manage emotions, have high positive energy, and achieve full engagement in both personal and professional life.

Emotional energy works very similarly to physical energy. Our emotions need a balance between exercise and recovery. When our emotional muscles are weak, for example if we lack confidence or have too little patience, we need to learn to push through our current emotional capacity and then rest and recover.

Not only do physical and emotional aspects of our lives work in a similar manner, but physical and emotional capacities are extremely interconnected.

When we have a deadline that we need to meet, we emotionally feel a sense of urgency. This emotion immediately influences our physical state. We start moving faster and working quicker to meet the deadline.

This is why mastering emotional energy is so important for a healthy and productive life, especially if you work in a profession with high levels of stress like Laura Motes, who was a police officer for twenty-one years.

Friday 29 July 2016

Laura Motes - The Importance of Exercise for Healthy Living

As a former police officer, Laura Motes is passionate about being healthy and exercising.

Given the number of benefits that even moderate physical exercise brings to our bodies, physical energy, and emotions, it may seem incredible that only a small percentage of our society exercises on a regular basis.

                                       Laura Motes

There is a simple explanation for why this happens. Physical exercise is about experiencing discomfort and getting our bodies out of their comfort zones. The benefits occur only after the discomfort, which makes most people quit before they can actually experience any of the benefits. 

Both strength and cardio training have a paramount influence on energy levels, health, and performance. 

The typical recommended exercise routine for the average adult includes twenty to thirty minutes of continuous exercise three to five days a week. 

In recent years, researchers have been saying that interval training, defined as short periods of intense aerobic activity followed by complete recovery, has profound positive effects, too. 

Interval training has not only physical benefits, but is also a practical reflection of our daily lives. Running up and down the stairs, bicycling, and sprinting are all examples of exercises that rhythmically raise our heart rate.   

There are many studies by scientists and businesses that prove the direct link between physical exercise and performance. 

For example, DuPont claimed a 47.5% reduction in employees skipping work over a six-year period of employee participation in DuPont’s corporate wellness program. DuPont also reported that employees who participated in the wellness program used fourteen percent% less disability days than other workers.  

Laura Motes believes that staying fit and healthy played a tremendous role in her advancement during her career with the police.

Thursday 21 July 2016

Laura Motes - Healthy Living, Stress, and Recovery

Laura Motes worked as a police officer for twenty-one years and she knows a lot about stress.

Our bodies require stress in order to grow. This is true for physical, mental, and emotional aspects of our lives. Stress needs to be followed by renewal.

Laura Motes
A lot of people think that a healthy life is a stress-free life. This is simply not true. A muscle that does not experience any stress dies very quickly. A muscle that gets no rest breaks very quickly. Growth and health require both stress and recovery.

A healthy life is a life that has a balance of stress and recovery. All great athletes and performers in all areas of life have rituals that help them optimize moving between recovery and stress.

The more effective and precise your recovery rituals, the quicker you can move to high performance.

The bigger the challenge, the more precise the rituals need to be. The Navy is a great example of this. It has rituals so precise and exact that it is able to turn soft and slow teenagers into mission-driven, confident, lean soldiers in about ten weeks. Recruits are forced to build rituals around all areas of their lives. There’s a ritual for how they talk, how they walk, what time they wake up in the morning and go to bed, when they eat, what they eat, and how they act under pressure.

In the same manner you can introduce rituals, stress, and recovery in your life. For example, Laura Motes loves spending time outdoors. It helps her relax and rejuvenate.

Monday 20 June 2016

Laura Motes - Tips For Preparing Your Home For A Flood

Laura Motes lives in rural Northeastern Georgia and is keenly aware that her home is in an area that is at risk of flooding, should weather conditions become particularly adverse. As such, she has taken a number of measures to prepare her home in case of such an emergency. These pointers will prove useful to anybody who is in a similar predicament.
Laura Motes
 Establish An Evacuation Route
You should always plan for the worst possible outcome when considering flooding, which means that your priority should be you and whoever else lives in the home. As such, when preparing your plan, you need to map out an evacuation route that will take you out of the at-risk area as quickly as possible. You may want to conduct a few drills as well, to ensure you keep the route clear in your mind.

Establish Contacts
It is important that people are aware of your situation should you ever have to deal with a flood, so it is a good idea to establish a primary contact who you will be able to call in cases of emergency. This person should ideally be out of the area and can act as a central point of contact for all of your family members and friends so you can focus more of your time on dealing with the flood.

Pack Supplies
By keeping an emergency kit of supplies handy, Laura Motes notes that you will be able to survive should a flood leave you stranded. Pack long-lasting food, some basic first aid equipment and some useful equipment, such as multipurpose tools and portable phone chargers.

Monday 13 June 2016

Laura Motes - Tips For ImproLaura ing Your Bedside Manner

As she prepares to start her studies in nursing at Georgia Regents University, Laura Motes has been putting a lot of thought into the skills that she will need to develop in order to excel in the role. The bedside manner displayed by medical professionals is crucial when offering care to patients, so try to keep the following in mind if you work in a medical role or have aspirations to do so in the future.
                                                       Laura Motes                                  

Focus On The Patient

If you appear distracted when talking to your patients, the odds are high that they are going to be less likely to talk to you and provide information that you may need to provide treatment. This is because you will be giving off the impression that you have more important things to do, rather than speaking to the patient. Pay attention and deal with distractions after the conversation.

Establish Common Ground

By creating a personal connection with the patient, within the confines of professionalism, you can have conversations that extend beyond the treatment that your patients are undergoing. This is useful for building trust in the relationships that you have with patients, making them more likely to talk to you when you need information from them.

Keep Thing Simple

Laura Motes understands that many patients will be intimidated by hospital settings, especially if they are dealing with a new condition that needs treatment. By using too much medical lingo you run the risk of further confusing patients and making them feel even less in control. Keep things simple and explain issues in words patients will understand.

Monday 6 June 2016

Laura Motes - Tips For Preventing Underage Alcohol Sales

During her time serving with the Athens-Clarke County Police Department, Laura Motes spent three years as part of the Alcohol Compliance Unit/Vehicles For Hire Unit, during which time she worked with the Georgia Department of Revenue to deal with alcohol license violations, while also placing much of her focus on the issue of underage drinking. There are a number of things that premises that sell alcohol can do in order to remain compliant and ensure they don’t end up selling alcohol to minors, including all of the following.
                                          Laura Motes

Always Check ID

It may seem like a simple tip, but many new store owners or employees often end up becoming incompliant because they have assumed that the people they are serving are of legal drinking age. If you have any doubt at all about a person’s age, ask to see some ID. Be wary of any customers who make a big fuss about showing ID and don’t give into any pressure that may be placed on you by people who haven’t brought a form of identification along. You should also improve your knowledge of the various forms of ID that people can use to purchase alcohol, so that you are abler to spot fakes.

Train Employees

Your store’s employees are essentially representatives of your premises, so if they make mistakes or purposefully sell alcohol to minors the responsibility will usually fall on you. As such, you need to make sure that you are careful when hiring new employees and that you have a rigorous training program in place. Put special emphasis on the consequences of selling alcohol to minors and try to train employees in the best ways to spot when an underage person might be trying to acquire alcohol.

Keep Alcohol Separate From Soft Drinks

In many cases, minors may pick up alcoholic beverages, particularly those commonly referred to as “alcopops,” by mistake if they are on display next to soft drinks or other beverages. As such, it is good practice to create a display specifically designed for alcohol. It may also be a good idea to have that display somewhere that is in the line of sight of employees, so that they can keep an eye on any suspicious behavior.

Assess Groups

If a group of people attempts to purchase alcohol from your establishment, Laura Motes notes that it is important to examine everybody in the collective. In some cases, somebody of age may try to purchase alcohol for minors who are with them, so if you have any suspicions that this is happening you should ask to see the IDs of every individual. Try to keep an eye out for awkward body language, such as a member of the group who is fidgeting or purposefully avoiding eye contact.

Thursday 2 June 2016

Laura Motes - The Characteristics of Good Police Officers

Laura Motes served with the Athens-Clarke County Police Department for 21 years, spending 10 of those years as a Police Sergeant in the Uniform Patrol Division in West Precinct. She achieved career progression because she worked hard to develop on a professional level, in addition to having the many attributes that a person needs in order to be a successful police officer. If you are interested in a career in the police force, you need to have, or develop, the following characteristics to stand the highest possible chance of success.

Laura Motes 

  • A Thirst For Knowledge
At no point during your career as a police officer should you allow your knowledge to stagnate. What you learn during your basic training should be treated as a foundation for your development, rather than the end of it. During your career, you will be presented with many opportunities to train various skills, so consider your career goals and make sure to select courses that will bring you closer to achieving them. Furthermore, keep your eyes and ears open at all times, so that you can learn from those who have more experience than you.
  • Confidence
You must be able to demonstrate an air of confidence, even when you are approaching risky situations. This is crucial when working with members of the public, as you will be taking on the role of authority figure. As such, a lack of confidence may lead to people doubting what you have to say or not trusting that you will do the things you claim you will. However, an important caveat to this quality is that you don’t allow yourself to descend into arrogance. Temper your confidence by recognizing that you always have room to develop, no matter how experienced you are.
  • Resilience
Police work offers a wide range of challenges, many of which will test your patience as well as your abilities. It is important that you develop a thick skin and don’t take the emotional reactions of people that you encounter too seriously. Allowing the words of others, particularly those involved in crimes, to get under your skin could lead to undesirable reactions that damage cases or lead to misconduct in the field.
  • Physical Fitness
Laura Motes has always focused on her physical fitness and she ensures that she eats well and engages in activities that improve her conditioning, such as long-distance running. Good police officers all have the same focus, as they must stay in top condition to stand the highest chance of successfully dealing with potential criminals. Focus on strength training, so that you can subdue people if the situation calls for it, but also ensure your cardiovascular conditioning is maintained in case you need to engage in on-foot chases.

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Laura Motes - On Training for a 5K

Laura Motes is a former police officer, a future nurse, and a personal health enthusiast. Part of her job involved staying in shape during her 20 years as a law enforcement officer, and she still takes the basic building blocks of personal health—exercise and diet—very seriously. In this vein, she has taken to trail running and competitive distance racing in her community near Watkinsville, Georgia. Motes trained herself for her first 5K several years ago, and she has a few pointers for those wanting to do the same:

Laura Motes 
  • Give yourself plenty of time. Laura Motes is very physically fit, but when she was just starting to train for her first 5K race, she gave herself nine weeks to prepare. Most beginner’s programs recommend at least seven weeks of training and preparation before a competition. This is to give your body time to adjust to its new routines and help prevent injury.
  • Balance running, resting, and walking. Laura Motes recommends to all beginners to work their way up to fast times over five kilometers by incorporating periods of running, of course, but also walking and resting to avoid injury while still training hard.
  • Vary your schedule. For many of the same reasons why beginners should mix in periods of walking, running, and resting, those training for a 5K competition should also vary their running schedules. This means running longer distances at a slower pace three days per week, then four, while also training lightly some weeks as well.
Laura Motes helps her friends train whenever she can. She has competed in several marathons in addition to shorter races.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Laura Motes - Fervent Supporter of the ASPCA

Laura Motes grew up with animals all around her in her parents’ home in rural Georgia. She knows how to properly care for and treat them and she wants everyone to have the same knowledge and caring nature that she does. Unfortunately, the United States is still a long way from being completely educated of the proper way to take care of domesticated animals. Pets still go neglected and get abandoned all the time. Motes, a former police officer and current nursing student, wanted to join the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA).

Laura Motes The ASPCA has two main causes that it as an organization works hard to fight for: the end of animal homelessness and the end of animal cruelty. Laura Motes works closely with her local animal shelters near her home in Watkinsville, Georgia, but across the country animal shelters are routinely stretched thin because their budgets just don’t do enough to place animals in good homes. With 2.7 million animals being euthanized in the United States every year, the ASPCA works to provide alternatives to euthanasia for shelters throughout the country. The ASPCA also works to help abused animals find new homes and to educated people about the causes and effects of animal cruelty in our society, as well as the signs to watch for. Laura Motes is a vocal advocate of all of these issues.

Laura Motes plans on beginning her Master’s degree in Nursing in the fall of 2016 at Georgia Regents University.

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Laura Motes - Career Progression from Law Enforcement Officer to Nurse

Laura Motes isn’t a nurse yet. She has completed all of the prerequisites to begin her Master’s degree in nursing from Georgia Regents University and plans on starting classes in the fall of 2016. She is prepared to enter the medical profession on the strength of her sense of duty to her community and her experience working for the Athens Regional Medical Center and Managed Medical Transport. Motes has always been committed to helping her community by keeping it safe as a police officer, now she hopes to help the community by keeping the people in it healthy.

Laura Motes spent 20 years working for the Athens-Clarke County Police Department. She started as a patrol officer in the Athens area, helping to ensure that crime is prevented whenever possible and that the streets and residents of the area are as safe as possible. Motes left the police force as a Sergeant in the West Precinct administration. She helped coordinate crime scene investigations, manage office personnel and officers on the street, and work with department leadership to ensure that all rules and regulations are being followed by all officers on the streets at all times.

Laura Motes then left the department because she wanted a more hands-on experience. She found said experience while working for six months with Managed Medical Transport and the Athens Regional Medical Center. Motes learned much from her time there, including how to serve and assist doctors, physicians, and other medical professionals in their duties and responsibilities to their patients with all kinds of medical conditions and ailments. She plans on using this experience during her studies as a Master’s degree candidate at Georgia Regents University in the fall of 2016.
                                              Laura Motes

Laura Motes works hard to keep herself in shape and healthy. Her passion recently has been distance runs of five kilometers or more. She has competed in several 5Ks in the area in the past and she plans on continuing her training to run marathons in the future. Motes hopes that her expertise as a nurse will put her in a position to help instill healthy habits in patients that could prevent serious medical conditions like heart disease and more. With too many Americans suffering from preventable diseases like adult-onset diabetes and obesity, especially in rural Georgia, where she lives, the more healthy habits she can instill in people around her community, the better.

Laura Motes believes that her calling is in the local healthcare system because she cares about the health and life of everyone around her in her community. She has always been there for her neighbors, protecting them from crime and investigating. She also helped keep the police force itself honest during her time in the Athens-Clarke County Police Department, reporting on alleged incidents of officer misconduct and other issues frequently besetting all police departments around the world.

Sunday 3 April 2016

Laura Motes - Many Duties as a Police Sergeant with the Athens-Clarke County Police Department

Laura Motes had many duties throughout her career with the Athens-Clarke County Police Department. She started with the force as a patrol officer in 1993, fresh from her extensive military police training with the United States Army at Fort McClellan, Alabama. She worked her way up and became Sergeant in the West Precinct for the Athens-Clarke County Police Department, where she worked for ten years ensuring that her community is safe and working hard to reducing and eliminating crime. In 2014, she left the force to pursue another avenue of employment as a nurse. She plans on attending Georgia Regents University in the fall of 2016 to earn her Master’s degree in Nursing.

Laura Motes

Laura Motes was in charge of supervising and monitoring shift activities. She also directed the shift’s patrol efforts to help reduce crime in her precinct. She developed strategies using personnel at her precinct to protect her community and ensure that justice is kept on the streets of her territory. Motes loved working closely with officers to mentor and assist them in their daily activities and their career development. She provided the support that all police officers need to do their jobs effectively.

Laura Motes had many daily responsibilities, all of which were integral to the overall effectiveness of the police department as a whole and to her precinct’s operations directly. She reviewed incident reports that officers filed for their thoroughness and accuracy. She used these reports to compile information for her administrative reports. In addition to mentoring officers that came under her wing, Motes also oversaw their training and the socialization of all new personnel in her shift. Motes acted as the communication hub for her shift, receiving and preparing all kinds of correspondence from other departments or precincts. She acted as a reliable source of information for the public and for other police departments in the area, transmitting new information and correspondence to the applicable parties and answering questions that people in the media come up with.

Laura Motes had the necessary and unenviable job of investigating all complaints of officer misconduct or inappropriate action. She took all of her actions against and on behalf of officers in her shift and precinct with the utmost professional courtesy and did her best to sort out all details from both sides of all conflicts. She diligently interviewed all officers implicated in misconduct complaints and collected pertinent information which she used to complete and submit administrative reports to her superiors.

Laura Motes kept the West Precinct of the Athens-Clarke County Police Department up and running smoothly so that it could continue to protect and serve the people of the community in the fairest and most just way possible for ten years.

Thursday 17 March 2016

Laura Motes - Preparing For A Career In Law Enforcement

Laura Motes has always been interested in law enforcement and has worked in the field for a while. She enjoyed the fast-paced nature of the job and the challenges it brought. If you are interested in a career in law enforcement, these tips can help you prepare for it.
Laura Motes

Get The Training
You will need law enforcement training if you plan on getting a job in that field. You can study law in college or you can take special classes that are more focused on certain types of law enforcement. Make sure you get the training that is appropriate for the job you are seeking.

Gain Some Experience
While you might expect to gain experience on the job, most employers will prefer that you have some experience before they hire you. You can get experience by completing internships and volunteering for jobs in the field.

Find A Job
Finding a job can be difficult, even when you have experience and training. Make sure you use all your resources when searching for a job in the law enforcement area and don’t be afraid to take a lower level job in hopes of moving up to a better one.

Laura Motes enjoyed working in law enforcement and looks forward to doing it again someday. If you are hoping to have a career in the law enforcement field, make sure you are properly prepared. It can be hard to find the law enforcement career of your dreams, but the better prepared you are, the better luck you will have.

Sunday 13 March 2016

Laura Motes - Easy DIY Bird Feeder Ideas

Laura Motes has always enjoyed watching and feeding birds. She likes to get creative when she feeds them and even makes her own bird feeders sometimes. You can make your own bird feeders as well and attract more birds to your yard.

Laura Motes Suet Cakes

You can easily make your own suet cakes from seeds, fruit and other ingredients you have in your own home. If you have an empty tray from a suet cake you recently purchased, you can use it as a mold for your DIY suet cakes.

Pine Cone Treats

Pine cones can be found on the ground in many parks or even in your yard. Use a knife to smear peanut butter on the pine cones and then cover them in birdseed. The birds will enjoy the seed, find the pine cone familiar and the peanut butter will give them a little extra protein.

Hang Fruit

Many birds enjoy fruit but have a hard time finding it. You can easily make your own bird feeders by simply hanging pieces of fruit from trees, fence posts or other areas in your yard. You can also dip the fruit in peanut butter and cover it with seeds for an even tastier treat.

If you want to attract a lot of birds to your yard like Laura Motes, you need to give them a reason to visit you. Making a bird feeder can attract many different kinds of birds to your home and allow you to enjoy them. Get creative and have fun making them.

Monday 7 March 2016

Laura Motes - Healthy Living Tips

Laura Motes knows that healthy living is important and tries her best to stay healthy. Healthy living can lead to a longer lifespan and improve your mood. If you are hoping to start living healthier, try these tips.

Eat Right
A healthy diet can do wonders for your health. It can not only improve the way you look and feel physically, it can also help improve your mood and keep your mind sharp. Make sure you are eating enough and choosing healthy food options.

Laura Motes 

Exercise Regularly
Exercise will keep you in shape, give you more energy and improve your health. People who exercise on a regular basis are less likely to become sick and stay active throughout life. You should exercise every day if possible or, at least, three times a week.

Get Enough Sleep
If you do not get enough sleep, your health can suffer. You need to make sure you are getting plenty of sleep at night. If you are having trouble sleeping, talk to your doctor or consider getting a new or different kind of mattress.

Take A Vitamin
Sometimes you don’t get the vitamins and nutrients you need from the food you eat. A multivitamin can help you feel better and stay healthier. Talk to your doctor to make sure it’s okay to take a multivitamin.

Laura Motes works hard to live a healthy life and encourages others to do the same. If you want to live healthier, the above tips can help you. Your doctor can also suggest some other ways to get healthy.

Thursday 25 February 2016

Laura Motes - Kayaking Safety Tips

Laura Motes enjoys being active and one of her favorite activities is kayaking. While kayaking can be fun, it can also be dangerous if you are not careful. Make sure you follow these safety precautions the next time you go kayaking.

Never Kayak Alone
Although you may be tempted to use your kayak to get some alone time, you should never go kayaking alone. You could get lost, become injured or have another type of problem and if you are alone, nobody would be able to help you. Always go with at least one other person and consider kayaking with a group.

Always Wear A Life Jacket
No matter how good of a swimmer you are, you still should wear a life jacket when kayaking. Your life jacket can keep you afloat if you fall out of your boat or become injured and unable to swim.

Obey All Posted Laws
If you are kayaking in public areas, you will likely see signs and warnings posted. It is important to obey these signs and warnings at all times. These laws are made for your protection and not following them could cause an accident or lead to injuries. You could also get into legal trouble for breaking any posted laws.

Laura Motes has been kayaking for years and enjoys it. She is always careful to stay safe and reminds her friends and other kayakers to stay safe as well. The above tips will help you stay safe during your next kayak trip.

Friday 19 February 2016

The Sport of Kayaking with Recreational Athlete Laura Motes

When Laura Motes isn't studying to be a nurse, she likes to take her kayak out onto the rushing waters of the Broad River. A kayak is a canoe-style boat built for one or two people. These vessels are lightweight, floating mostly above the water, and are propelled by the rider via paddling. The person kayaking will use one paddle that has blades on each end, as opposed to canoe paddles that only have blades on one end. Rowing a kayak properly involves moving the paddle with both hands in a horizontal figure eight swing. While there are kayaks on the market in the last decade that are inflatable or have elevated seats, a kayak where the rider sits inside a closed deck is the most common.
Laura Motes Kayaks have been used by native peoples, especially the Inuit, since the 18th century. These stealthy transport vessels were ideal for Eskimos who were hunting prey. Now, the kayak is used as a sporting device. There are millions of people around the world who kayak for leisure, nature exploration, and exercise. Kayaking was introduced as an Olympic sport in the 1936 games held in Berlin. Since then, the fame of the kayak has grown, and there are over ten kayaking events in the Olympics. Laura Motes likes the challenge of kayaking, she appreciates the strength and stamina it requires to keep the boat upright and to paddle correctly. She also loves that it allows her to explore her surroundings.

Thursday 11 February 2016

The 4 Items You Need to Trail Run with Laura Motes

Laura Motes will happily run on any surface and in any environment, but trail running is one of her favorites. This sport, which involves running through wilderness trails, is beautifully simple. It does not take much planning or equipment, and many people find trail running to be the most enjoyable form of running. According to Motes, there are certain considerations that need to be acknowledged when preparing for a trail running trip. As the runner will be moving over natural trails and different terrains, they will not need the same gear or equipment as a person running on a track or on the roadways. 

Shoes are a very crucial item for any runner, especially a trail runner. Laura says that you should wear a pair of true trail shoes. These provide a thicker sole than standard running shoes, which is ideal for uneven ground and sharp rocks. Clothing is relatively universal between trail running and road running. The only point Laura likes to make is that you are likely to get dirtier when loping through the wilderness.

Water is an important bring-along item, no matter where you are running. She says you can use a hand held or strap on water bottle, or even a hydration vest. Trail runners should not solely rely upon natural streams for their hydration, as you may not know how clean they are. If you are going to run in the evening, early morning, or at night, Laura Motes says that you should definitely pack a flashlight or a headlamp.

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Laura Motes Tells Us the Ways Anyone Can Help Promote Animal Welfare

According to former police officer and animal lover Laura Motes, there are many simple ways that everyday people can assist with animal welfare and rescue issues. She knows that you don't have to give a ton of money to a shelter to make a difference. The little things add up to make a big impact.

Laura Motes
Most of Laura's tips involve community involvement and education, like scheduling a local animal rescue speaker to meet with and talk to your local church or business group. She has also found that by placing a small donation cup on her desk or in the break room of her office, she receives small donations that add up quickly. She then takes that money to the local rescue leagues in her area. For people who have extra time during the week and love to be with animals, she recommends volunteering at the animal shelter. Volunteers can walk dogs, play with the animals, give baths, or give guests tours of the facility. She really enjoys the opportunity to show citizens around the shelter, and hopefully witness them finding their new puppy or kitten.

Laura Motes says that Georgia residents who work in a corporate or business office have a big opportunity to provide animal welfare aid through fund raising. These citizens can coordinate bake sales or community garage sales to raise money for the local shelters. They can also post fliers around their place of business or local community hotspots that promote local shelter issues. 

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Laura Motes on the Importance of Eating Before Running a Marathon

Laura Motes

Long time runner and marathon participant Laura Motes has learned exactly how and when to eat before she runs a marathon. With many 5k runs under her belt, Motes has learned the hard way, and wants others to avoid common nutritional mistakes. According to Laura, the trick to avoiding stomach issues during a run is to start your race feeling satiated, but not full.

To do this, she says you should eat a large snack or a light meal roughly two hours before starting the race. Eating too much before a run will leave the runner uncomfortable. This can also lead to cramping, intestinal distress, nausea, and the need to use the restroom in the middle of your race. Alternatively, eating too little before a race will leave your body low on fuel. You will need that fuel to keep your muscles going during a 5k.

What you eat before a race or marathon will depend upon your pre-existing digestive status. People with known digestive issues will have other considerations, and should consult their doctor before choosing a pre-run meal. For those who have little to no digestive worries, their food choices will be pretty standard.

Laura Motes says to choose foods that are high in carbohydrates, like breads, pastas, and rices. These foods should be accompanied by a small amount of protein and as little fat as possible. This combination will give your body the proper amount of fuel to keep you going through the run or race.

Friday 22 January 2016

Laura Motes - Why Nursing?

Laura Motes shifted careers after over 20 years working for the Athens-Clarke County Police Department to nursing because she wanted to help people in a more direct way. Motes trained with military policemen and women before she joined the police force in her community. She wanted to bring a set of skills that would help people stay safe and protected to the force. She became a Sergeant for the department and helped it sort out its many administrative and investigative tasks throughout its jurisdiction. Motes wanted to shift to the medical field because she thought that the hospital or the clinic was where most people were the most vulnerable and needed the most help.
Laura Motes
Laura Motes

Laura Motes also knew that nursing was a rising field in of work in the United States. Now that millions more Americans have access to affordable healthcare, the need for good medical personnel at healthcare facilities has never been greater. Laura Motes wanted to join this workforce because she could help more people in a more direct fashion than ever before. While becoming a nurse requires a heavy dose of training and education, years for most aspiring nurses, Motes knows that she can be successful in this field and help people in the healthcare industry find the services they need to expand their quality of life now and in the future.

Laura Motes has helped many people already get the healthcare treatment they need by working for both the Athens Regional Medical Center and Managed Medical Transport.

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Laura Motes - Honor Graduate of Military Police School

Laura Motes did whatever she could to increase her skills and abilities as a law enforcement officer. Soon after she graduated from the US Army’s Military Police School in Fort McClellan, Alabama, Motes started working for the Athens-Clarke County Police Department in the Uniform Patrol Division. After approximately 7 years in this capacity, she began to work in the Alcohol Compliance Unit/Vehicle For Hire Unit. She saw to it that taxis and other cars-for-hire were driving safely throughout her community near Athens, Georgia. Motes learned many things while she attended Military Police School, which she chose to attend to extend her understanding of tactical situations and the many nuances of civil and military law. She also wanted to be able to hold her own in any dangerous situation, and learning basic warrior training techniques helped her in this regard.

Laura Motes
Laura Motes
The United States Army Military Police School teaches individuals how to become military police officers, of course, but it also helps other law enforcement officers and professionals like Laura Motes essential skills they can use in their careers as local officers. In Military Police Basic training, students learn how to defend themselves in dangerous situations, the differences between military and civilian law, and how to defuse potentially life-threatening conflicts as a legal arbiter. These are the sort of skills that Laura Motes has used repeatedly during her long career as a local law enforcement officer.

Laura Motes is now training to become a nurse in her community. She wanted to change careers to help people in a different way. Her training in the Military Police Basic training course suited her well for her time in law enforcement, and her ability to end conflict peaceably continues to be useful in her new career.

Monday 4 January 2016

Laura Motes - Applying to Georgia Regents University

Laura Motes applied to Georgia Regents University to earn a Master’s degree in Nursing from one of the best healthcare programs in the area. Motes lives and works near Athens, Georgia, where she spent over 20 years helping the community as a police Sergeant. Motes now wants to help her community in a different way. During her career in law enforcement, she witnessed many healthcare problems causing some of the desperation that develops high crime rates in her community. Motes hopes that she can help people in need, especially those facing life-changing healthcare problems, as a nurse working with those who need medical care every day.

Laura Motes
Laura Motes

Laura Motes applied to Georgia Regents University because its College of Nursing offered a few of the best nationally-ranked graduate programs in nursing in the United States. The school also offers online classes and study opportunities to supplement her learning on her time. The College of Nursing works closely with many other medical schools and colleges in the area and at the university on important research projects as well as traditional and service learning opportunities. Laura Motes was also drawn to the College of Nursing’s mission statement, which emphasizes being a leader in the nursing field with innovation, excellence, and entrepreneurship in areas that will help the most people in the healthcare industry.

Laura Motes wants to earn her Master’s degree in nursing beginning in the fall of 2016 so she can begin serving her community in a new way as soon as possible. Motes is excited by the prospect of protecting and serving people in a new and more direct way than ever before. Her education at Georgia Regents University is the first step.